1 { Copyright (C) 2005 Bas Steendijk and Peter Green
2 For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib_license.txt
3 which is included in the package
4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
6 //main unit for graph drawing demo
8 //draws a sine and cosine graph into a 2 bit per pixel
10 //Copies it into a truecolor tbitmap (that is visible on the main form).
11 //saves the graph from the original buffer to a 2 bit palleted png
12 //saves the graph from the original buffer to a 2 bit greyscale png
13 //saves the graph from the tbitmap into a 24 bit truecolor bitmap
20 Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
21 ExtCtrls,pngwrite,pngwritetbitmap;
24 TForm1 = class(TForm)
26 procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
28 { Private declarations }
30 { Public declarations }
35 pal : array[0..11] of byte;
41 tlinedata = array[word] of byte;
42 plinedata = ^tlinedata;
43 timagedata = array[word] of plinedata;
44 pimagedata = ^timagedata;
46 imagedata : pimagedata;
47 procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
52 bitmapscanline : plinedata;
53 tempfloat : extended;
54 currentindex : integer;
57 stream : tfilestream;
79 imagedata := allocmem(image1.height*sizeof(plinedata));
80 image1.width := (image1.width div 4)*4;
81 image1.width := image1.width;
82 for counter := 0 to image1.height-1 do begin
84 imagedata[counter] := allocmem(image1.width div 4);
85 imagedata[counter][image1.width div 8] := imagedata[counter][image1.width div 8] or $C0;
88 fillchar(imagedata[image1.height div 2]^,image1.width div 4,#$FF);
89 for counter := 0 to image1.width-1 do begin
91 for fracpart := 0 to 15 do begin
92 y := round( -sin((( (counter+(fracpart/15)) / image1.width){+0.5}) *2*pi ) *((image1.height-20)div 2) )+((image1.height)div 2);
94 imagedata[y][counter div 4] := (imagedata[y][counter div 4]) or (1 shl (((counter and $3)xor$3)*2) );
96 y := round( -cos((( (counter+(fracpart/15)) / image1.width){+0.5}) *2*pi ) *((image1.height-20)div 2) )+((image1.height)div 2);
98 imagedata[y][counter div 4] := (imagedata[y][counter div 4]) or (2 shl (((counter and $3)xor$3)*2) );
101 image1.Picture.Bitmap.PixelFormat :=pf24bit;
102 image1.picture.bitmap.width := image1.width;
103 image1.picture.bitmap.height := image1.height;
106 for counter := 0 to image1.height-1 do begin
107 bitmapscanline := image1.picture.bitmap.ScanLine[counter];
108 for inner := 0 to image1.width-1 do begin
110 currentindex := (imagedata[counter][inner div 4] shr (((inner and $3)xor$3)*2) ) and $3;
111 //if (counter=0) and (imagedata[counter][inner div 4] <> 0) then begin
112 // writeln(imagedata[counter][inner div 4]);
113 // writeln(currentindex);
116 bitmapscanline[(inner*3) ] := pal[(currentindex*3)+2];
117 bitmapscanline[(inner*3)+1] := pal[(currentindex*3)+1];
118 bitmapscanline[(inner*3)+2] := pal[(currentindex*3) ];
124 stream := tfilestream.Create('truecolor.png',fmCreate{fmOpenWrite} or fmShareDenyNone );
126 savetbitmaptopng(image1.picture.Bitmap,stream);
131 stream := tfilestream.Create('4grey.png',fmCreate{fmOpenWrite} or fmShareDenyNone );
133 pngstart(f,stream,2,ctgreyscale ,image1.picture.Bitmap.Height,image1.Picture.Bitmap.Width);
136 for counter := 0 to image1.picture.Bitmap.Height-1 do begin
137 pngwritescanline(f,imagedata[counter]);
145 stream := tfilestream.Create('4color.png',fmCreate{fmOpenWrite} or fmShareDenyNone );
147 pngstart(f,stream,2,ctpallette ,image1.picture.Bitmap.Height,image1.Picture.Bitmap.Width);
148 pngwritepal(f,@pal,4);
151 for counter := 0 to image1.picture.Bitmap.Height-1 do begin
152 pngwritescanline(f,imagedata[counter]);