+{$ifdef ipv6}
+function getv6localips:tbiniplist;
+ t:textfile;
+ s,s2:ansistring;
+ ip:tbinip;
+ a:integer;
+ result := biniplist_new;
+ assignfile(t,'/proc/net/if_inet6');
+ {$i-}reset(t);{$i+}
+ if ioresult <> 0 then begin
+ {not on linux, try if this OS uses the other way to return v6 addresses}
+ result := getlocalips_internal(AF_INET6);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ while not eof(t) do begin
+ readln(t,s);
+ s2 := '';
+ for a := 0 to 7 do begin
+ if (s2 <> '') then s2 := s2 + ':';
+ s2 := s2 + copy(s,(a shl 2)+1,4);
+ end;
+ ipstrtobin(s2,ip);
+ if ip.family <> 0 then biniplist_add(result,ip);
+ end;
+ closefile(t);
+function getv4localips:tbiniplist;
+ result := getlocalips_internal(AF_INET);