+function longip(s:string):longint;inline;\r
+ l:longint;\r
+ a,b:integer;\r
+function convertbyte(const s:string):integer;inline;\r
+ result := strtointdef(s,-1);\r
+ if result < 0 then exit;\r
+ if result > 255 then exit;\r
+ {01 exception}\r
+ if (result <> 0) and (s[1] = '0') then begin\r
+ result := -1;\r
+ exit;\r
+ end;\r
+ {+1 exception}\r
+ if not (s[1] in ['0'..'9']) then begin\r
+ result := -1;\r
+ exit\r
+ end;\r
+ result := 0;\r
+ a := pos('.',s);\r
+ if a = 0 then exit;\r
+ b := convertbyte(copy(s,1,a-1));if (b < 0) then exit;\r
+ l := b shl 24;\r
+ s := copy(s,a+1,256);\r
+ a := pos('.',s);\r
+ if a = 0 then exit;\r
+ b := convertbyte(copy(s,1,a-1));if (b < 0) then exit;\r
+ l := l or b shl 16;\r
+ s := copy(s,a+1,256);\r
+ a := pos('.',s);\r
+ if a = 0 then exit;\r
+ b := convertbyte(copy(s,1,a-1));if (b < 0) then exit;\r
+ l := l or b shl 8;\r
+ s := copy(s,a+1,256);\r
+ b := convertbyte(copy(s,1,256));if (b < 0) then exit;\r
+ l := l or b;\r
+ result := l;\r
+function longipdns(s:string):longint;\r
+ host : thostentry;\r
+ if s = '' then begin\r
+ result := 0;\r
+ end else begin\r
+ result := longip(s);\r
+ if result = 0 then begin\r
+ if gethostbyname(s,host) then begin;\r
+ result := htonl(Longint(Host.Addr));\r
+ end;\r
+ //writeln(inttohex(longint(host.addr),8))\r
+ end;\r
+ if result = 0 then begin\r
+ if resolvehostbyname(s,host) then begin;\r
+ result := htonl(Longint(Host.Addr));\r
+ end;\r
+ //writeln(inttohex(longint(host.addr),8))\r
+ end;\r
+ end;\r
+function htons(w:word):word;\r
+ {$ifdef ENDIAN_LITTLE}\r
+ result := ((w and $ff00) shr 8) or ((w and $ff) shl 8);\r
+ {$else}\r
+ result := w;\r
+ {$endif}\r
+function htonl(i:integer):integer;\r
+ {$ifdef ENDIAN_LITTLE}\r
+ result := (i shr 24) or (i shr 8 and $ff00) or (i shl 8 and $ff0000) or (i shl 24 and $ff000000);\r
+ {$else}\r
+ result := i;\r
+ {$endif}\r