1 { Copyright (C) 2005 Bas Steendijk and Peter Green
2 For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib_license.txt
3 which is included in the package
4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
6 this unit returns unix timestamp with seconds and microseconds (as float)
7 works on windows/delphi, and on freepascal on unix.
19 colorburst=39375000/11; {3579545.4545....}
24 irctime,unixtime:integer;
26 settimebias:integer;
27 performancecountfreq:extended;
29 function irctimefloat:float;
30 function irctimeint:integer;
32 function unixtimefloat:float;
33 function unixtimeint:integer;
35 function wintimefloat:float;
37 procedure settime(newtime:integer);
38 procedure gettimezone;
39 procedure timehandler;
42 function timestring(i:integer):string;
43 function timestrshort(i:integer):string;
46 function unixtimefloat_systemtime:float;
49 function oletounixfloat(t:float):float;
50 function oletounix(t:tdatetime):integer;
51 function unixtoole(i:integer):tdatetime;
54 function mmtimefloat:float;
55 function qpctimefloat:float;
59 mmtime_driftavgsize=32;
61 mmtime_warmupcyclelength=15;
63 //this flag is to be set when btime has been running long enough to stabilise
64 warmup_finished:boolean;
66 timefloatbias:float;
68 ticks_freq2:float=0;
69 ticks_freq_known:boolean=false;
70 lastunixtimefloat:float=0;
71 lastsynctime:float=0;
72 lastsyncbias:float=0;
74 mmtime_last:integer=0;
75 mmtime_wrapadd:float;
76 mmtime_lastsyncmm:float=0;
77 mmtime_lastsyncqpc:float=0;
78 mmtime_drift:float=1;
79 mmtime_lastresult:float;
80 mmtime_nextdriftcorrection:float;
81 mmtime_driftavg:array[0..mmtime_driftavgsize] of float;
82 mmtime_synchedqpc:boolean;
84 mmtime_prev_drift:float;
85 mmtime_prev_lastsyncmm:float;
86 mmtime_prev_lastsyncqpc:float;
99 baseunix,unix,unixutil, {needed for 2.0.2}
102 windows,unitsettc,mmsystem,
106 {$include unixstuff.inc}
110 daysdifference=25569;
112 function oletounixfloat(t:float):float;
114 t := (t - daysdifference) * 86400;
118 function oletounix(t:tdatetime):integer;
120 result := trunc(oletounixfloat(t));
123 function unixtoole(i:integer):tdatetime;
125 result := ((i)/86400)+daysdifference;
129 highdwordconst=65536.0 * 65536.0;
131 function utrunc(f:float):integer;
132 {converts float to integer, in 32 bits unsigned range}
134 if f >= (highdwordconst/2) then f := f - highdwordconst;
135 result := trunc(f);
138 function uinttofloat(i:integer):float;
139 {converts 32 bits unsigned integer to float}
142 if result < 0 then result := result + highdwordconst;
146 {-----------------------------------------*nix/freepascal code to read time }
148 function unixtimefloat:float;
153 result := tv.tv_sec+(tv.tv_usec/1000000);
156 function wintimefloat:extended;
158 result := unixtimefloat;
161 function unixtimeint:integer;
166 result := tv.tv_sec;
170 {------------------------------ windows/delphi code to read time}
173 time float: gettickcount
174 resolution: 9x: ~55 ms NT: 1/64th of a second
175 guarantees: continuous without any jumps
176 frequency base: same as system clock.
178 note: if called more than once per 49.7 days, 32 bits wrapping is compensated for and it keeps going on.
179 note: i handle the timestamp as signed integer, but with the wrap compensation that works as well, and is faster
182 function mmtimefloat:float;
184 wrapduration=highdwordconst * 0.001;
188 i := gettickcount; {timegettime}
189 if i < mmtime_last then begin
190 mmtime_wrapadd := mmtime_wrapadd + wrapduration;
193 result := mmtime_wrapadd + i * 0.001;
195 if (ticks_freq <> 0) and ticks_freq_known then result := int((result / ticks_freq)+0.5) * ticks_freq; //turn the float into an exact multiple of 1/64th sec to improve accuracy of things using this
198 procedure measure_ticks_freq;
205 if (performancecountfreq = 0) then qpctimefloat;
206 ticks_freq_known := false;
209 repeat g := mmtimefloat until g > f;
212 fillchar(o,sizeof(o),0);
213 o.dwOSVersionInfoSize := sizeof(o);
215 isnt := o.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT;
216 is9x := o.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS;
219 mmtime_synchedqpc := false;
222 identify mode as: nt64
223 QPC rate: either 3579545 or TSC freq
224 QPC synched to gettickcount: no
225 duration between 2 ticks is constant: yes
226 gettickcount tick duration: 64 Hz
228 if (f >= 0.014) and (f <= 0.018) and isnt then begin
229 ticks_freq_known := true;
230 ticks_freq := 1/64;
231 mmtime_synchedqpc := false;
236 identify mode as: nt100
238 QPC synched to gettickcount: yes
239 duration between 2 ticks is constant: no?
240 gettickcount tick duration: ~99.85 Hz
242 if (performancecountfreq = 1193182) and (f >= 0.008) and (f <= 0.012) and isnt then begin
243 ticks_freq_known := true;
244 ticks_freq2 := 11949 / (colorburst / 3);
245 // ticks_freq2 := 11949 / 1193182;
247 {the ticks freq should be very close to the real one but if it's not exact, it will cause drift and correction jumps}
248 mmtime_synchedqpc := true;
252 if (performancecountfreq = 1193182) and (g >= 0.050) and (g <= 0.060) then begin
253 ticks_freq_known := true;
254 ticks_freq := 65536 / (colorburst / 3);
255 mmtime_synchedqpc := true;
257 ticks_freq_known := true;
258 if ticks_freq <> 0 then ticks_freq2 := ticks_freq;
259 // writeln(formatfloat('0.000000',ticks_freq));
263 time float: QueryPerformanceCounter
265 guarantees: can have forward jumps depending on hardware. can have forward and backwards jitter on dual core.
266 frequency base: on NT, not the system clock, drifts compared to it.
269 function qpctimefloat:extended;
275 p2:tlargeinteger absolute p;
278 if performancecountfreq = 0 then begin
279 QueryPerformancefrequency(p2);
281 if e < 0 then e := e + highdwordconst;
282 performancecountfreq := ((p.highpart*highdwordconst)+e);
284 queryperformancecounter(p2);
286 if e < 0 then e := e + highdwordconst;
288 result := ((p.highpart*highdwordconst)+e)/performancecountfreq;
292 time float: QPC locked to gettickcount
294 guarantees: continuous without any jumps
295 frequency base: same as system clock.
299 function mmqpctimefloat:float;
305 mm,f,qpc,newdrift,f1,f2:float;
308 retrycount:integer;
310 if not ticks_freq_known then measure_ticks_freq;
311 retrycount := maxretries;
313 qpc := qpctimefloat;
315 f := (qpc - mmtime_lastsyncqpc) * mmtime_drift + mmtime_lastsyncmm;
316 //writeln('XXXX ',formatfloat('0.000000',qpc-mm));
317 qpcjumped := ((f-mm) > ticks_freq2+margin) or ((f-mm) < -margin);
318 // if qpcjumped then writeln('qpc jumped ',(f-mm));
319 if ((qpc > mmtime_nextdriftcorrection) and not mmtime_synchedqpc) or qpcjumped then begin
321 mmtime_nextdriftcorrection := qpc + 1;
323 mmtime_prev_drift := mmtime_drift;
324 mmtime_prev_lastsyncmm := mmtime_lastsyncmm;
325 mmtime_prev_lastsyncqpc := mmtime_lastsyncqpc;
330 result := qpctimefloat;
333 if f = mm then result := qpctimefloat;
336 qpc := qpctimefloat;
339 if (qpc > result + 0.0001) then begin
344 if (mmtime_lastsyncqpc <> 0) and not qpcjumped then begin
345 newdrift := (mm - mmtime_lastsyncmm) / (qpc - mmtime_lastsyncqpc);
346 mmtime_drift := newdrift;
347 { writeln('raw drift: ',formatfloat('0.00000000',mmtime_drift));}
348 move(mmtime_driftavg[0],mmtime_driftavg[1],sizeof(mmtime_driftavg[0])*high(mmtime_driftavg));
349 mmtime_driftavg[0] := mmtime_drift;
351 { write('averaging drift ',formatfloat('0.00000000',mmtime_drift),' -> ');}
352 { mmtime_drift := 0;}
354 for a := 0 to high(mmtime_driftavg) do begin
355 if mmtime_driftavg[a] <> 0 then inc(b);
356 { mmtime_drift := mmtime_drift + mmtime_driftavg[a];}
358 { mmtime_drift := mmtime_drift / b;}
359 if (b = 1) then a := 5 else if (b = 2) then a := 15 else if (b = 3) then a := 30 else if (b = 4) then a := 60 else if (b = 5) then a := 120 else if (b >= 5) then a := 120;
360 mmtime_nextdriftcorrection := qpc + a;
361 if (b >= 2) then warmup_finished := true;
362 { writeln(formatfloat('0.00000000',mmtime_drift));}
363 if mmtime_synchedqpc then mmtime_drift := 1;
366 mmtime_lastsyncqpc := qpc;
367 mmtime_lastsyncmm := mm;
368 { writeln(formatfloat('0.00000000',mmtime_drift));}
373 qpc := qpctimefloat;
375 result := (qpc - mmtime_lastsyncqpc) * mmtime_drift + mmtime_lastsyncmm;
376 f := (qpc - mmtime_prev_lastsyncqpc) * mmtime_prev_drift + mmtime_prev_lastsyncmm;
379 {writeln('jump ',formatfloat('0.000000',jump),' drift ',formatfloat('0.00000000',mmtime_drift),' duration ',formatfloat('0.000',(mmtime_lastsyncqpc-mmtime_prev_lastsyncqpc)),' ',formatfloat('0.00000000',jump/(mmtime_lastsyncqpc-mmtime_prev_lastsyncqpc)));}
386 if (result < mmtime_lastresult) then result := mmtime_lastresult + 0.000001;
387 mmtime_lastresult := result;
390 { free pascals tsystemtime is incomaptible with windows api calls
391 so we declare it ourselves - plugwash
395 TSystemTime = record
403 wMilliseconds: Word;
406 function Date_utc: extended;
408 SystemTime: TSystemTime;
411 GetsystemTime(@SystemTime);
413 GetsystemTime(SystemTime);
415 with SystemTime do Result := EncodeDate(wYear, wMonth, wDay);
418 function Time_utc: extended;
420 SystemTime: TSystemTime;
423 GetsystemTime(@SystemTime);
425 GetsystemTime(SystemTime);
428 Result := EncodeTime(wHour, wMinute, wSecond, wMilliSeconds);
431 function Now_utc: extended;
433 Result := round(Date_utc) + Time_utc;
436 function unixtimefloat_systemtime:float;
438 {result := oletounixfloat(now_utc);}
440 {this method gives exactly the same result with extended precision, but is less sensitive to float rounding in theory}
441 result := oletounixfloat(int(date_utc+0.5))+time_utc*86400;
444 function wintimefloat:extended;
446 result := mmqpctimefloat;
449 function unixtimefloat:float;
455 result := wintimefloat+timefloatbias;
456 f := result-unixtimefloat_systemtime;
457 if ((f > ticks_freq2+margin) or (f < -margin)) or (timefloatbias = 0) then begin
458 // writeln('unixtimefloat init');
459 f := unixtimefloat_systemtime;
461 repeat g := unixtimefloat_systemtime; h := wintimefloat until g > f;
463 timefloatbias := g-h;
464 result := unixtimefloat;
467 {for small changes backwards, guarantee no steps backwards}
468 if (result <= lastunixtimefloat) and (result > lastunixtimefloat-1.5) then result := lastunixtimefloat + 0.0000001;
469 lastunixtimefloat := result;
472 function unixtimeint:integer;
474 result := trunc(unixtimefloat);
478 {-----------------------------------------------end of platform specific}
480 function irctimefloat:float;
482 result := unixtimefloat+settimebias;
485 function irctimeint:integer;
487 result := unixtimeint+settimebias;
491 procedure settime(newtime:integer);
495 a := irctimeint-settimebias;
496 if newtime = 0 then settimebias := 0 else settimebias := newtime-a;
498 irctime := irctimeint;
501 procedure timehandler;
503 if unixtime = 0 then init;
504 unixtime := unixtimeint;
505 irctime := irctimeint;
506 if unixtime and 63 = 0 then begin
507 {update everything, apply timezone changes, clock changes, etc}
509 timefloatbias := 0;
510 unixtime := unixtimeint;
511 irctime := irctimeint;
516 procedure gettimezone;
532 timezone := tzseconds;
535 timezone := (longint(hh) * 3600 + mm * 60 + ss) - (unixtimeint mod 86400);
538 timezone := round((now-now_utc)*86400);
541 while timezone > 43200 do dec(timezone,86400);
542 while timezone < -43200 do inc(timezone,86400);
544 if timezone >= 0 then timezonestr := '+' else timezonestr := '-';
545 l := abs(timezone) div 60;
546 timezonestr := timezonestr + char(l div 600 mod 10+48)+char(l div 60 mod 10+48)+':'+char(l div 10 mod 6+48)+char(l mod 10+48);
549 function timestrshort(i:integer):string;
551 weekday:array[0..6] of string[4]=('Thu','Fri','Sat','Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed');
552 month:array[0..11] of string[4]=('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec');
554 y,m,d,h,min,sec,ms:word;
557 t := unixtoole(i+timezone);
558 decodedate(t,y,m,d);
559 decodetime(t,h,min,sec,ms);
560 result := weekday[(i+timezone) div 86400 mod 7]+' '+month[m-1]+' '+inttostr(d)+' '+
561 inttostr(h div 10)+inttostr(h mod 10)+':'+inttostr(min div 10)+inttostr(min mod 10)+':'+inttostr(sec div 10)+inttostr(sec mod 10)+' '+
565 function timestring(i:integer):string;
567 weekday:array[0..6] of string[10]=('Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday');
568 month:array[0..11] of string[10]=('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December');
570 y,m,d,h,min,sec,ms:word;
573 t := unixtoole(i+timezone);
574 decodedate(t,y,m,d);
575 decodetime(t,h,min,sec,ms);
576 result := weekday[(i+timezone) div 86400 mod 7]+' '+month[m-1]+' '+inttostr(d)+' '+inttostr(y)+' -- '+
577 inttostr(h div 10)+inttostr(h mod 10)+':'+inttostr(min div 10)+inttostr(min mod 10)+':'+inttostr(sec div 10)+inttostr(sec mod 10)+' '+
583 {$ifdef win32}timebeginperiod(1);{$endif} //ensure stable unchanging clock
584 fillchar(mmtime_driftavg,sizeof(mmtime_driftavg),0);
587 unixtime := unixtimeint;
588 irctime := irctimeint;
591 initialization init;