2008-03-31 bewaresecondlistener
2008-03-30 plugwash* make disabling/enabling a timer on windows reset...
2008-03-30 plugwashadd todo list
2008-03-30 plugwash* add method to tell if a string is a biniplist
2008-03-30 plugwashfix line ending and some other minor issues
2008-03-30 plugwash* attempt to fix too many onsessionavailible events...
2008-03-30 bewaregit-svn-id: file:///svnroot/lcore/trunk@5 b1de8a11...
2008-03-30 bewareadded
2008-03-30 plugwashrm some cruft that got imported accidently
2008-03-30 bewarethe big lot of changes by beware
2008-03-28 plugwashinitial import