fix compile error on fpc 3.2.2
[lcore.git] / lsocket.pas
2015-08-07 bewareaccept lasterror must be obtained before the rmasterset
2014-03-28 bewarefix spelling mistakes
2014-03-13 bewareremoved incorrect executable status from files
2013-11-22 bewareifdef mswindows instead of win32 for 64 bits support
2012-05-25 bewaredo SO_REUSEADDR also when listening in windows. wine...
2011-11-23 bewarefixed missing semicolon if compiling without ipv6
2011-10-11 bewarefixed listen breaking on kernel compiled without ipv6
2011-02-21 bewareeliminated a lot of hints and warnings
2010-03-22 bewareincreased connect timeout in case of more IPs to try...
2010-02-27 bewareadded lsocket.onconnecttryip handler for apps that...
2010-02-16 zippletMerged with delphi 2010 branch
2010-02-12 plugwashadd some missing ifdefs
2010-02-12 plugwashfreebsd fixups
2010-02-12 plugwashmake some os-x related fixes to lmessages
2010-02-10 bewaregetsockname fixes. getXaddr was returning peer addr
2009-11-12 plugwashadd support for fpc 2.2.4rc1
2009-04-13 plugwashremove an assignment that doesn't serve any usefull...
2009-02-04 bewareICMP does work, removing comment
2009-01-31 plugwash* various fixups resulting from getting the test app...
2009-01-23 zippletFixed broadcast UDP sockets not working on windows
2009-01-19 bewarefixed bug of udp not working when using listen
2009-01-19 bewareadd support for raw sockets
2008-12-26 beware* fixed NT services not working. app must now call...
2008-11-22 bewarefixed line endings. made flush work on win32. made...
2008-03-31 bewaregit-svn-id: file:///svnroot/lcore/trunk@17 b1de8a11...
2008-03-31 bewarereceive buffer size
2008-03-31 bewaresecondlistener in lcoreconfig
2008-03-31 bewaresecondlistener-2
2008-03-31 bewaresecondlistener
2008-03-30 plugwash* make disabling/enabling a timer on windows reset...
2008-03-30 plugwash* add method to tell if a string is a biniplist
2008-03-30 bewarethe big lot of changes by beware
2008-03-28 plugwashinitial import