- inc(size,len);\r
- while len > 0 do begin\r
- p := l;\r
- if ofs = pagesize then begin\r
- p := tplinklist.create;\r
- if getl = nil then getl := p;\r
- getmem(tplinklist(p).p,pagesize);\r
- inc(testcount);\r
- linklistadd(l,p);\r
- ofs := 0;\r
+ {$ifdef bfifo_assert}\r
+ if (size < 0) then raise exception.create('tfifo.add: size<0: '+inttostr(size));\r
+ if (allocsize < 0) then raise exception.create('tfifo.add: allocsize<0: '+inttostr(allocsize));\r
+ if assigned(p) and (size = 0) then raise exception.create('tfifo.add: p assigned and size=0');\r
+ if assigned(p) and (allocsize = 0) then raise exception.create('tfifo.add: p assigned and allocsize=0');\r
+ {$endif}\r
+ if not assigned(p) then begin\r
+ {$ifdef bfifo_assert}\r
+ if (size > 0) then raise exception.create('tfifo.add: p not assigned and size>0: '+inttostr(size));\r
+ if (allocsize > 0) then raise exception.create('tfifo.add: p not assigned and allocsize>0: '+inttostr(allocsize));\r
+ {$endif}\r
+ //no buffer is allocated, allocate big enough one now\r
+ allocsize := getallocsizeforsize(len);\r
+ //reuse the biggest size seen to avoid unnecessary growing of the buffer all the time, but sometimes shrink it\r
+ //so an unnecessary big buffer isn't around forever\r
+ inc(lastalloccount);\r
+ if (lastalloccount and 7 = 0) then lastallocsize := getallocsizeforsize(lastallocsize div 2);\r
+ if allocsize < lastallocsize then allocsize := lastallocsize;\r
+ getmem(p,allocsize);\r
+ head := 0;\r
+ tail := 0;\r
+ end else if (head + len > allocsize) then begin\r
+ //buffer is not big enough to add new data to the end\r
+ if (size + len <= allocsize) then begin\r
+ //it will fit if we move the data in the buffer to the start first\r
+ if (size > 0) then move(pointer(taddrint(p) + tail)^,p^,size);\r
+ //if (size > 0) then move(p[tail],p[0],size);\r
+ end else begin\r
+ //grow the buffer\r
+ allocsize := getallocsizeforsize(size + len);\r
+ getmem(p2,allocsize);\r
+ move(pointer(taddrint(p) + tail)^,p2^,size);\r
+ freemem(p);\r
+ p := p2;\r