----------------------------------------------------------------------------- }\r
unit lcorernd;\r
+{$ifdef fpc}\r
+ {$mode delphi}\r
{$include lcoreconfig.inc}\r
the aim of this unit is to provide randomness in a consistent way, using OS specific methods for seeding\r
this unit uses MD5 for performance and code size, but it is made so it is easy to use a different hash,\r
-as long as it is atleat 128 bits, and a multiple of the "word size" (32 bits)\r
+as long as it is at least 128 bits, and a multiple of the "word size" (32 bits)\r
- for the numbers to be\r
- random: pass diehard and similar tests\r
- - unique: generate UUID's\r
+ - unique: generate UUIDs\r
- secure: difficult for a remote attacker to guess the internal state, even\r
when given some output\r
typical intended uses:\r
- anything that needs random numbers without extreme demands on security or\r
speed should be able to use this\r
- - seeding other (faster) RNG's\r
- - generation of passwords, UUID's, cookies, and session keys\r
+ - seeding other (faster) RNGs\r
+ - generation of passwords, UUIDs, cookies, and session keys\r
- randomizing protocol fields to protect against spoofing attacks\r
- randomness for games\r
this is not intended to be directly used for:\r
-- high securirity purposes (generating RSA root keys etc)\r
+- high security purposes (generating RSA root keys etc)\r
- needing random numbers at very high rates (disk wiping, some simulations, etc)\r
halfhashsize=hashsize div 2;\r
hashdwords=hashsize div wordsize;\r
- seeddwords=32;\r
+ seeddwords=40;\r
hashpasssize=48; {this number has to be small enough that hashing this size uses only one block transform}\r
- {the seed part of this buffer must be atleast as big as the OS seed (windows: 104 bytes, unix: 36 bytes)}\r
+ //the seed part of this buffer must be at least as big as the OS seed (windows: 120 bytes for 32 bits, 160 bytes for 64 bits, unix: 36 bytes)\r
pool:array[0..(pooldwords+seeddwords-1)] of wordtype;\r
{$ifdef mswindows}\r
+ systemfunction036:function(var v; c:cardinal): boolean; stdcall;\r
+ rtlgenrandominited:boolean;\r
+procedure initrtlgenrandom;\r
+ h:thandle;\r
+ rtlgenrandominited := true;\r
+ systemfunction036 := nil; \r
+ h := loadlibrary('advapi32.dll');\r
+ if (h <> 0) then begin\r
+ systemfunction036 := GetProcAddress(h,'SystemFunction036');\r
+ end;\r
function collect_seeding(var output;const bufsize:integer):integer;\r
l:packed record\r
+ rtlgenrandom:array[0..3] of longint;\r
guid:array[0..3] of longint;\r
qpcbuf:array[0..1] of longint;\r
rdtscbuf:array[0..1] of longint;\r
l.hs := getheapstatus;\r
+ {rtlgenrandom}\r
+ if not rtlgenrandominited then initrtlgenrandom;\r
+ if assigned(@systemfunction036) then systemfunction036(l.rtlgenrandom,sizeof(l.rtlgenrandom));\r