procedure setstate_request_init(const name:string;var state:tdnsstate);\r
//set up state for a foward lookup. A family value of AF_INET6 will give only\r
-//ipv6 results. Any other value will give ipv4 results in preference and ipv6\r
-//results if ipv4 results are not available;\r
+//ipv6 results. Any other value will give only ipv4 results\r
procedure setstate_forward(const name:string;var state:tdnsstate;family:integer);\r
procedure setstate_reverse(const binip:tbinip;var state:tdnsstate);\r
dnsserverlist : tstringlist;\r
// currentdnsserverno : integer;\r
+//getcurrentsystemnameserver returns the nameserver the app should use and sets\r
+//id to the id of that nameserver. id should later be used to report how laggy\r
+//the servers response was and if it was timed out.\r
function getcurrentsystemnameserver(var id:integer) :string;\r
+procedure reportlag(id:integer;lag:integer); //lag should be in microseconds and should be -1 to report a timeout\r
// unixnameservercache:string;\r
{ $endif}\r
-procedure reportlag(id:integer;lag:integer); //lag should be in microseconds and should be -1 to report a timeout\r
+{$ifdef linux}{$ifdef ipv6}\r
+function getv6localips:tbiniplist;\r
+procedure initpreferredmode;\r
+ preferredmodeinited:boolean;\r
{no cnames found, no items of correct type found}\r
if state.forwardfamily <> 0 then goto failure;\r
-{$ifdef ipv6}\r
- if (state.requesttype = querytype_a) then begin\r
- {v6 only: in case of forward, look for AAAA in alternative section}\r
- for a := state.numrr1[0]+state.numrr1[1]+state.numrr1[2] to (state.numrr2-1) do begin\r
- rrptemp := @state.rrdata[1+a*sizeof(trrpointer)];\r
- rrtemp := rrptemp.p;\r
- b := rrptemp.len;\r
- if rrtemp.requesttype = querytype_aaaa then begin\r
- setstate_return(rrptemp^,b,state);\r
- exit;\r
- end;\r
- end;\r
- {no AAAA's found in alternative, do a recursive lookup for them}\r
- state.requesttype := querytype_aaaa;\r
- goto recursed;\r
- end;\r
goto failure;\r
{here it needs recursed lookup}\r
+{$ifdef linux}{$ifdef ipv6}\r
+function getv6localips:tbiniplist;\r
+ t:textfile;\r
+ s,s2:string;\r
+ ip:tbinip;\r
+ a:integer;\r
+ result := biniplist_new;\r
+ assignfile(t,'/proc/net/if_inet6');\r
+ {$i-}reset(t);{$i+}\r
+ if ioresult <> 0 then exit; {none found, return empty list}\r
+ while not eof(t) do begin\r
+ readln(t,s);\r
+ s2 := '';\r
+ for a := 0 to 7 do begin\r
+ if (s2 <> '') then s2 := s2 + ':';\r
+ s2 := s2 + copy(s,(a shl 2)+1,4);\r
+ end;\r
+ ipstrtobin(s2,ip);\r
+ if <> 0 then biniplist_add(result,ip);\r
+ end;\r
+ closefile(t);\r
+procedure initpreferredmode;\r
+ l:tbiniplist;\r
+ a:integer;\r
+ ip:tbinip;\r
+ ipmask_global,ipmask_6to4,ipmask_teredo:tbinip;\r
+ if preferredmodeinited then exit;\r
+ if useaf <> useaf_default then exit;\r
+ useaf := useaf_preferv4;\r
+ l := getv6localips;\r
+ ipstrtobin('2000::',ipmask_global);\r
+ ipstrtobin('2001::',ipmask_teredo);\r
+ ipstrtobin('2002::',ipmask_6to4);\r
+ {if there is any v6 IP which is globally routable and not 6to4 and not teredo, prefer v6}\r
+ for a := biniplist_getcount(l)-1 downto 0 do begin\r
+ ip := biniplist_get(l,a);\r
+ if not comparebinipmask(ip,ipmask_global,3) then continue;\r
+ if comparebinipmask(ip,ipmask_teredo,32) then continue;\r
+ if comparebinipmask(ip,ipmask_6to4,16) then continue;\r
+ useaf := useaf_preferv6;\r
+ preferredmodeinited := true;\r
+ exit;\r
+ end;\r
{ quick and dirty description of dns packet structure to aid writing and\r
understanding of parser code, refer to appropriate RFCs for proper specs\r
- all words are network order\r