- absoloutemaxs:integer=0;\r
+ absolutemaxs:integer=0;\r
{$ifdef ver1_0}\r
state : tsocketstate ;\r
ComponentOptions : TWSocketOptions;\r
- fdhandlein : Longint ; {file discriptor}\r
- fdhandleout : Longint ; {file discriptor}\r
+ fdhandlein : Longint ; {file descriptor}\r
+ fdhandleout : Longint ; {file descriptor}\r
onsessionclosed : tsocketevent ;\r
ondataAvailable : tsocketevent ;\r
// finitialevent : boolean ;\r
fontimer : tnotifyevent ;\r
fenabled : boolean ;\r
- finterval : integer ; {miliseconds, default 1000}\r
+ finterval : integer ; {milliseconds, default 1000}\r
{$ifndef mswindows}\r
procedure resettimes;\r
procedure setenabled(newvalue : boolean);\r
procedure setinterval(newvalue : integer);\r
- //making theese public for now, this code should probablly be restructured later though\r
+ //making these public for now, this code should probably be restructured later though\r
prevtimer : tltimer ;\r
nexttimer : tltimer ;\r
nextts : ttimeval ;\r
if (numread=0) and (not mustrefreshfds) then begin\r
{if i remember correctly numread=0 is caused by eof\r
if this isn't dealt with then you get a cpu eating infinite loop\r
- however if onsessionconencted has called processmessages that could\r
+ however if onsessionconnected has called processmessages that could\r
cause us to drop to here with an empty recvq and nothing left to read\r
and we don't want that to cause the socket to close}\r
end else begin\r
currenttasklocal := currenttask; //needed in case called from a task\r
- // note i don't bother to sestroy the links here as that will happen when\r
+ // note i don't bother to destroy the links here as that will happen when\r
// the list of tasks is processed anyway\r
while assigned(currenttasklocal) do begin\r
if currenttasklocal.obj = aobj then begin\r