- l := getv6localips;\r
- if biniplist_getcount(l) = 0 then exit;\r
- useaf := useaf_preferv4;\r
- ipstrtobin('2000::',ipmask_global);\r
- ipstrtobin('2001::',ipmask_teredo);\r
- ipstrtobin('2002::',ipmask_6to4);\r
- {if there is any v6 IP which is globally routable and not 6to4 and not teredo, prefer v6}\r
- for a := biniplist_getcount(l)-1 downto 0 do begin\r
- ip := biniplist_get(l,a);\r
- if not comparebinipmask(ip,ipmask_global,3) then continue;\r
- if comparebinipmask(ip,ipmask_teredo,32) then continue;\r
- if comparebinipmask(ip,ipmask_6to4,16) then continue;\r
- useaf := useaf_preferv6;\r
- preferredmodeinited := true;\r
- exit;\r
- end;\r
+ if (have_ipv6_connectivity) then\r
+ useaf := useaf_preferv6\r
+ else\r
+ useaf := useaf_preferv4;\r
+ preferredmodeinited := true;\r